The first three goals of our association are to promote self-determination, freedom and human rights.

In China, under the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), these three central points either do not exist or only as far as the party allows. Since Switzerland maintains close economic and political ties with China, tensions naturally arise. This is especially the case as long as Switzerland adheres to its traditions and values and carries them to the world, as also required by the Federal Constitution.

A central topic for us is to shed light on the influence of the CCP, as well as communism in general, on Switzerland and society as a whole. We see that this influence has a detrimental effect on both our country and the local population. In the short tem, the monetary temptations may dazzle, but in the long term the disandvanteges will outweugh the benefits.

The more we engage in a dictatorship of the proportions of the CCP, it corrupts our values and morals. The result is basically just the opposite of our associations’ goals. Freedom is restricted, freedom of expression is weakened. Traditions and cultural values get lost.

Switzerland’s attitude towards China is quite friendly. Facts, such as the massive human rights violations in China, are only discussed behind closed doors. We question whether neutrality can really be equated with looking away. Especially from a country like Switzerland with a humanitarian tradition, location of many international organizations, the behavior towards the Chinese regime is difficult to understand. We are well aware that the situation is complex and did not arise overnight.
We understand our contribution as an incentive to question our actions and their effects in order not to regret and lament later: “If only we had…”.

This motivation gave rise to our first project: the information platform Stopp KPC, Stopp Kommunismus. Find out more on